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Mendeley Information Session In-Person

We invite researchers to join us at noon for lunch and information about Mendeley, a free reference manager and academic social network. With Mendeley, you can generate bibliographies, collaborate with other researchers, and find and access papers online. Through MSU Libraries, MSU researchers also have access to Mendeley Institutional Edition, which includes premium features like 100gb of storage and unlimited private groups for collaboration.

This session will be led by representatives from Elsevier, which develops resources, software, and networks for multidisciplinary research.

MSU Libraries also provides in-house workshops on Mendeley. For more information on these and other resources available through MSU Libraries, Ask A Librarian.

Related LibGuide: Mendeley by Brad Brazzeal

Monday, April 24, 2017
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
John Grisham Room
Mitchell Memorial Library
  Citation Management     Research Skills  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Julie D. Shedd
Julie D. Shedd